An enduring Linden Tree

An enduring Linden Tree

Site specific work for Heemstaete, Zwolle (NL) 
Rudy J. Luijters, 2003 (realised 2004)
Commissioner: Sein (Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland) in collaboration with SKOR (Stichting Kunst en Openbare Ruimte)

In 2003 the Foundation for Art and Public Space (SKOR) commissioned a plan for an artwork in the grounds of Heemstaete, a clinic for epileptics in Zwolle. The creative complexity of the outdoor space in relation to the special group of users made it a highly specific demand. Rudy Luijters proposed an extremely focused and large-scale intervention: the planting of a fifty-year-old linden tree on the central axis of the grounds. The work included a booklet An Enduring Linden Tree for Heemstaete, Zwolle, which describes the historical, cultural-anthropological and botanical aspects of the linden tree. 

In the press:
De standvastige Linde

More information
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